Archival Recordings Zine 02 Release

Presenting Archival Recordings Zine 02: North of the 101!

Archival Recordings Zine 02 Release

North of the 101 is out now!

Presenting Archival Recordings Zine 02: North of the 101!

I’m really happy to present the second Archival Recordings zine, based on my experience living in the San Fernando Valley for the past decade. It features work from the North Hollywood, Toluca Lake, and Burbank area from 2016 to 2019. When I first moved into the area, it was a bit of an adjustment from what I was used to. It took some time to learn how to frame the area in ways that were interesting to me, and even longer to become familiar enough with them to create consistently good work. I eventually found that these parts of the valley reminded me of my old neighborhoods before gentrification really picked up, with many older apartment buildings and other older structures still in use.

The best way to get a copy of Zine 02 is to sign up for the Archival Recordings Zine Subscription!

For $50 yearly, you get a copy of all four zines I’m publishing this year (2 so far and 2 more before the end of the year) sent to you. It’s an incredibly good deal that I highly recommend (although I am clearly biased). 

Of course, you can also purchase a single copy from the Archival Recordings online store. I have a few other really dope photo zines for sale there as well so don’t forget to take a look at those too.

As always, thanks for the support and I hope that you enjoy the zine! If you are already a paid member, I’ll be sending out your copies next week.